birds flying under blue sky during daytime

Psychospiritual Therapy, Empaths, & Highly Sensitive People

“I'm sick and tired, of being sick and tired."

-Fannie Lou Hamer

Our Work Together

I specialize in working with individuals who are highly attuned to the world around them—those who identify as energetically sensitive, empathetic, intuitive, or uniquely gifted. Often, people with these qualities are in high-achieving roles but may find themselves misunderstood or even exploited by those who do not appreciate their depth of insight and capacity for empathy.

In our work together, we will focus on cultivating a deeper understanding of your inherent traits and learning to embrace them as strengths. This includes developing the skills to set healthy boundaries, manage sensory sensitivities, and avoid overwhelm, allowing you to recover more quickly from stress and maintain your well-being in demanding environments.

Our approach is rooted in compassion and self-awareness, helping you access your wisest, most resilient self. By reframing sensitivity as a strength rather than a vulnerability, we can pave the way for you to lead with authenticity and courage.

grayscale photography of woman with two hands on her face
grayscale photography of woman with two hands on her face

Our Work Together

a man holds his head while sitting on a sofa
a man holds his head while sitting on a sofa
  • You compare yourself to others and feel like you don't add up.

  • You believe that everyone else has it all figured out, except for you.

  • Feeling worried and full of self-doubt?

  • Burntout from your job as a helping professsional?

  • You have trouble asking for what you need, always putting other people before you.

  • You put off making decisions out of fear of making the wrong one.

  • You tend to overthink, often in worst case scenario.

  • You feel guilty if you take time for yourself?

  • Do you rely on the validation of others?

  • You've been told that to tend to your needs is to "be a baby" or that you are - which induces fear someone may abandon or reject you?

Does this sound like you...?

Greetings! I'm So Glad to See You!

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you're at the intersection of time and opportunity.

It is my joy to support Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Perfectionists, & People Pleasers.

These are folks who likely identify as shy, quiet, socially-awkward, introverted, highly sensitive, and/or empathic.

If this sounds like you... I aim to support you to overcome these negative beliefs so that you can start living a life not shrouded by shame, fear, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm!

woman in white collared shirt looking at the city during night time
woman in white collared shirt looking at the city during night time
woman in white floral dress carrying baby during daytime
woman in white floral dress carrying baby during daytime
  • You often don't feel seen or heard by the people in your life.

  • Easily Overwhelmed?

  • Felt eager to please others?

  • You avoid confrontation/conflict at all costs...even if it means you have to be uncomfortable.

  • You wish you could just shut off your brain or have trouble relaxing.

  • You feel you've done something wrong if someone's attitude towards your shifts.

  • You feel like you focus on past mistakes, even (seemingly) small ones?

  • You often unkind things to yourself, about yourself?

  • Your head is full of "I should be doing this" or "I should have said that."

  • You feel selfish if you are not pre-empting the needs of others.

  • You often feel stuck - like everything will "turn out wrong".

  • You have a standard of living that you compromise out of fear of others saying no? Or fear of retaliation?

Did any of the above resonate with you?

If you'd like to better understand yourself and improve your relationships,

Learn how to be kinder to yourself and set boundaries with others,

Use Mind-Body Medicine based skills to slow down the mental chatter,

I am here to help.

Schedule a "Getting to Know You" session or Request Your Initial Appointment.

You can also email me at
I respond to appointment requests and emails within 48 hours.